Complaints Procedure
At Alternatives we aim to provide an excellent service which meets the needs of our clients.

We are organisation members (3579) of COSCA (Counselling and psychotherapy in Scotland) and abide by their ethics and code of practice.
If you feel we have fallen below the high standard we expect of ourselves you can make a complaint.
How do I make a complaint?
- Ask to see the Alternatives Dundee Complaints procedure
- You can speak to a member of staff at Alternatives in person
- You can telephone to speak with a member of staff on 01382 221112
- Write to Alternatives Dundee at 10, Constitution Road, Dundee, DD1 1LL
- Or email us at [email protected]
Alternatives aim to acknowledge your complaint within 2 weeks and to respond to your complaint within 4 weeks. If this is not possible we will inform you of our progress and expected completion time.
What if I’m not satisfied?
- You can request that the complaint is reviewed by a member of the board
- If your complaint is about a counselling related practice, and, following the board review you are still not satisfied, you can follow the COSCA (counselling and psychotherapy in Scotland) Complaints procedure guidelines
- if you wish to raise a concern about the charity you can complain to OSCR the Scottish Charity Regulator at any time, OSCR, 2nd floor, Quadrant House, Riverside drive, Dundee, DD1 4NY
Alternatives are committed to monitoring complaints in order to identify trends which may require further action.
For a full copy of the Alternatives Dundee Complaints procedure, please download our Complaints procedure
Your voice
I was given space to talk and be heard, without judgement. Something I didn’t have anywhere else at the time.
November 2019