Pregnancy FAQs
The following are the questions we are asked from time-to-time. If you have any other question though, please, get in touch.

How to tell someone I am pregnant?
Telling someone you are pregnant is a big moment. Everyone feels differently about it. How you choose to tell someone is different for everyone. There are no rules on when or who to tell. But if you are under 16 it is important to tell a trusted adult. This can be a family member, teacher or friend. Often those closest to us can react shocked or even angry at first, in time these feelings can change.
Maybe you are surprised at how you are feeling? For some this will be an exciting time, looking forward to becoming a parent, for others this can be a scary time with lots of unknowns.
My pregnancy was unexpected…
You may feel excited or worried about how people will react. Even if it feels difficult, it might be really helpful to tell someone you trust. They can help you in making your choice and supporting you. If you are thinking of an abortion, you might not want anyone to know about it but, it might be helpful to have someone there to support you. If you are under 16 and thinking of an abortion, you will need a supportive adult to be with you.
If the pregnancy were to suddenly end, it may be good to have someone to know about it who can support you.
You do not need to give a reason as to why you have made your choice unless you want to. This is challenging and takes courage. Take your time and do it in a way that you are happy with. Take time after you have told someone to check in with how you are feeling.
I’m looking forward to being a parent…
Some people can’t wait to tell others they are pregnant. Some people like to keep it quiet for a while or until after their first scan. There is no right or wrong time to start telling people. Talking with your doctor as soon as possible means you can start getting care from the midwife team. If you are under 16, it is important to tell a trusted adult. This can be a family member, teacher or friend
Who can help me whilst I’m pregnant?
It is important to get support when you are pregnant. You may have family and friends who can help you as well as other services. You can get help from Maternity Services. They support you before, during and after the birth.
If you are under 19, you can get help from the Family Nurse Partnership. A nurse will visit you at home whilst you are pregnant until the child is 2 years old. They will help you prepare to be a parent and support you with other parts of your life.
What happens when you go for an abortion?
You may have lots of questions about having an abortion. This may be about how it’s done, how you will feel after it or how to get one. It is ok to ask questions. Getting answers may help you feel less worried and more prepared.
In Dundee, you can self-refer for an abortion by calling 01382 496726. You don’t need to tell your doctor or parents about this unless you are under 13 years old. If you are over 16, you can have an abortion at home or in hospital. If you are under 16, you will need to go to hospital to have an abortion and have a trusted adult with you. This can be a family member, teacher or friend.
To find out more about the different types of abortion you can have, follow this link to the Sexual Health Tayside website:
What About Adoption?
If you decide to go through adoption, Social Work can support you. You can start planning this whilst you are pregnant, but you can change your mind even after the birth. You may be surprised at how much choice you can have. Our team work closely with the social work department and can support you through this process.
If the answer to your question is not here, text or call 07594145618 or complete our contact form and we can help you. If you are needing a response quickly, you can ask you question on Cool2Talk
We are here for you.